Artist's Block
"You've heard of 'writer's block'. Well as an artist, I sometimes suffer from "Artist's block". What is this you ask? It's when you sit and sit and can't come up with anything. This can go on for hours, days, weeks even months sometimes.
I want to know how you break free of Artist's block! " ~ Gabi
I go out and do some gardening, or just wander around the garden sniffing flowers, seeing what's growing. It gets me out of the house, I get some fresh air. I get a little exersise. I pick some flowers:
Still no ideas? When I come back in feeling refreshed, I can browse the internet, or read. Or talk with people. Or work on my cross-stich:
And still no ideas? When I go to sleep at night, I think about my creative problem before falling asleep. Usually when I wake up, I have an idea, or even several ideas.
Even now still no ideas?? Well, I just don't worry about it, and do my best. It usually turns out good.