5 random things about me
5 random things about me:
1. I have an uncontrolable urge to grow plants. Even when I've been sent to hotels or such for a week, or go camping for a couple days, some type of plant/plants ends up on the windowsil/next to tent within a day or two, a cutting in a glass, a pot of african violets, something!
2.Along with plants, I also obtain weird seed pods and rocks and sticks and other random nature things.
One time, near Cork, I had collected several pretty yellow sea snail shells, they ended up on the windowsil. The next morning, a few of them had crawled away all over the walls. So we had to bring them back to the place we found them!
Another time, in Claire, we found an old sheep's skull (or was it a goat?) and a possible meteorite.
3. I like toys: Yoyos, tops, Plushies, puppets, music boxes, female action figures (I have a Diana Troy and a Rippley), wind-up toys, plastic figures, dolls, Barbies, anything that animates or moves is super cool.
4. I played an online role playing game for many years. My favorite characters were: a dryad named Salix, an orc named Zaal'Ug, and a pixie named Viola. I never played a human.
Zalli was married to Zur'Goth, he was the clan's warboss.
5. I once lived in NYC's lower east side without electricity or a stove for a year. The only thing I missed was hot herb tea. Evenings were lit by candles, and I had a little tape player powered with a big battery. I ate a lot of yogurt and fruit during that year for some reason.